A New Generation in Librarianship
Published 2022-11-16
- Critical Instructional Design,
- Critical Digital Pedagogy,
- Open Pedagogy,
- Care
How to Cite
Kaye, E., & Wilson, N. . (2022). Operationalizing values to create communities of care. Journal of New Librarianship, 7(2), 100–105. https://doi.org/10.33011/newlibs/12/19
In this column, two instructional designers (housed in an academic Library) reflect on their journey to operationalize care grounded in the tenets of instructional design, critical digital pedagogy, and open pedagogy. They provide concrete and actionable ways to implement these strategies in this present moment to create meetings, spaces, projects, curriculum and more to change the status quo while challenging and encouraging readers to do the next right thing where they currently are!