Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): Journal of New Librarianship
Peer Reviewed Articles

Open-Source Migrations: Perspectives from an early career librarian

Emma Beck
University of Louisville

Published 2024-10-23


  • Open-source,
  • Migrations,
  • Early career,
  • Samvera,

How to Cite

Beck, E. (2024). Open-Source Migrations: Perspectives from an early career librarian . Journal of New Librarianship, 9(2), 101–114. https://doi.org/10.33011/newlibs/17/13


This paper examines open-source migrations from the early career librarian perspective. After being on the implementation team for two open-source migrations in two years, the author noticed stark similarities in the two experiences. The paper will discuss the challenges all migrations face and challenges more specific to open-source systems. These include lack of resources, changing timelines, and lack of system sustainability. The paper will then move on to provide recommendations for other early career librarians who are implementing open-source system. The paper will also offer ways colleagues and supervisors who are not working on the implementation can support these migrations and the people.