Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017)
A New Generation in Librarianship

Knowledge exchange: Intentional partnering between the research administration office and the academic library

Bobby Glushko
Western University
Erin Huner
Western University

Published 2017-12-31


  • scholarly communication, knowledge translation, knowledge exchange, academic libraries, research

How to Cite

Glushko, B. ., & Huner, E. (2017). Knowledge exchange: Intentional partnering between the research administration office and the academic library. Journal of New Librarianship, 2(2), 136–140. https://doi.org/10.21173/newlibs/3/9


In this column the authors describe a conscious partnership between the university research administration office and the academic library, laying out the rationale for such cooperation and describing the benefits to their respective departments and to their stakeholders more broadly.